
Energy: Renewable energy and the environment content

Energy: Renewable energy and the environment


The promise of renewable energy is huge, from reaching emissions targets to contributing to blue growth. Along with this promise comes the pressing need to understand how energy harnessed from wind, waves and tides will impact the environment. Sustainable use of these resources will play a key role in achieving the Scottish Government’s ambitious renewable energy and carbon emission targets.

Our philosophy of “research where the resource is” means Environmental Research Institute is ideally situated, yet our research has international reach and impact. We actively seek and develop effective collaborations and partnerships, within regional, national and international settings. Our team integrates in-situ measurement, environmental survey, experimental, modelling and remote-sensing approaches.

Renewable energy holds immense promise, not only in meeting emissions targets but also in driving blue growth. However, it is crucial to comprehend the environmental implications of harnessing energy from wind, waves, and tides. We recognise the urgent need to understand and promote the sustainable use of these resources, as they play a pivotal role in achieving the Scottish Government's ambitious renewable energy and carbon emission targets.

Our approach, guided by the philosophy of "research where the resource is," places us in an ideal position at the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) and with a local focus, we are strategically located to maximize our impact. Nonetheless, our research extends far beyond national boundaries, making an international difference. We actively foster effective collaborations and partnerships, both within regional and global contexts.


  • Renewable energy and the environment 
  • Oceanographic and hydrodynamic understanding
  • Innovative sensors, platforms and measurement techniques
  • Energy systems

For more information on the Environmental Research Institute, research portfolio and people, please visit:

Wind Turbines in a field with sheep in the foreground